Pediatric Foot & Ankle Videos
Testimonials & Educational Videos on Children's Foot Conditions, and More...
Join thousands of other parents and doctors by subscribing to Pediatric Foot & Ankle on YouTube, where you can stay informed about the common foot conditions children experience and learn effective management and treatment strategies.
How Dr. Jarman Fixed McKenzie's Flat Feet with HyProCure
In this video, we follow McKenzie, a young girl from Tucson, Arizona, who struggled with flat feet and tarsal tunnel syndrome for years. Despite constant pain and difficulty keeping up with her peers, McKenzie found hope with the help of Dr. Mikkel Jarman, a board-certified pediatric podiatrist.
Treating Children's Ingrown Toenails
Dr. Jarman explains how issues like Ashton’s uniquely curved toe can make ingrown toenails more likely. After a gentle anesthetic, Dr. Jarman skillfully removes the problematic part of the nail. He then uses cold spray and phenol to manage pain and discourage regrowth.
Correcting Foot Polydactyly (Extra Toes) in Infants and Babies
In this educational video, Dr. Jarman explains polydactyly, a condition where babies are born with extra fingers or toes. Polydactyly affects about 1 in every 2,000 births and is less common in feet than hands.
Is Your Child’s Toe Walking Neurological or Structural?
Toe walking in children can stem from two very different causes: neurological and structural. But how do you know which one your child is experiencing? In this video, Dr. Mikkel Jarman, a leading expert in pediatric foot and ankle care, breaks down the key differences between neurological and structural toe walking.
Understanding the Impact Toe Walking has on our Kids
Dr. Jarman discusses how toe walking can cause children to struggle with balance, experience leg fatigue, and face difficulties keeping up with their peers. He explains the two main causes of toe walking—structural and neurological—and how these can lead to more severe issues like recurrent ankle sprains, calluses, and even stress fractures.
Does Your Child Need Surgery for Toe Walking?
Toe walking can be a concern for many parents, but how do you know if your child needs surgery? Join Dr. Mikkel Jarman, a leading pediatric foot and ankle specialist, as he explains the criteria used to determine whether surgical intervention is necessary for toe walking in children.
Learn more about Toe Walking »
How Dr. Jarman Changed Ari's Life with Toe Walking Surgery
When Adio’s son Ari was young, he started walking on his toes. At first, Adio and his wife thought it was just a phase. But as Ari got older, he never grew out of it. Adio was worried – he wanted his son to be able to walk normally and play like other kids.
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Toe Walking Surgery
Dr. Jarman's Toe Walking Surgery Process
Dr. Jarman’s clinic sees toe walkers every day, and he routinely performs toe walking surgery every Wednesday, with over a decade of experience. The good news is that this condition is 100% treatable and can be corrected in children who have not responded to conservative care or require surgical correction due to their age.
Learn more: Out-Of-State Parents
Toe Walking in Cerebral Palsy - Parent's Testimonial
For nearly fourteen years, a young girl struggled with toe walking due to cerebral palsy. Her family searched high and low for the right treatment, facing many challenges along the way. In this heartfelt testimonial, her father shares their story, talking about the journey to find the right care that lead them to Dr. Jarman and Pediatric Foot & Ankle.
Learn more: Toe walking surgery
Jacob's Toe Walking Surgery Progress and Journey
Meet Jacob, a young boy who has been struggling with toe walking. Two months after his first procedure, Jacob shares his experience and progress.
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Toe Walking Surgery
Mom and Son Fly from Florida to See Dr. Jarman
Stephanie, a mother from Florida, shares her family’s emotional journey to find help for her son Rylan’s persistent foot pain. Despite seeking help from various medical professionals, they were left frustrated and without a proper diagnosis or treatment plan.
Learn more: Out-Of-State Parents
13 Year-Old boy's Toe Walking Correction After 6 Months
In this video, Dr. Mikkel Jarman of Pediatric Foot and Ankle discusses the case of a 13 year-old boy with a milder form of toe walking gait abnormality. Despite not demonstrating severe toe walking, Dr. Jarman explains that the patient’s heels barely touch the ground and his “sewing machine” type bouncy gait pattern is still problematic long-term.
Learn more: Toe walking surgery
Lifelong Toe Walking Resolved by Achilles Lengthening Surgery
Remarkable improvements in the case of a 10-year-old girl with lifelong severe toe walking. At 6 months post-op, the patient exhibits a significantly improved gait with continued progress expected. Dr. Jarman notes that by 9-12 months, surgical scars have typically faded dramatically for a completely normalized appearance and walking function.
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Toe Walking Surgery
9 year old girl's life-changing Toe Walking Correction
In this video, Dr. Mikkel Jarman presents the case of a 9-year-old girl with an extremely severe toe walking abnormality. Prior to treatment, she demonstrates an inability to get her heels to the ground whatsoever, appearing as if “walking on hot coals” with every step.
Learn more: Toe walking surgery
Recovery Process after Toe Walking Surgery
Dr. Jarman demonstrates the remarkable progress just months after surgery in this child who had dealt with severe toe walking for a decade prior. With excellent surgical results and incision healing visible, the video conveys the dramatic transformation this surgery can bring in restoring normal function for chronic pediatric toe walkers unresponsive to stretching, splinting and other conservative care approaches.
Learn more: Toe Walking Surgery
Toe Walking Recovery 7 Months after Surgery
Remarkable improvements in gait and comfort are seen over the 7 month course of recovery and physical therapy. With both feet now demonstrating strong, normal heel-toe motion, Dr. Jarman conveys the life-changing transition these minimally invasive surgeries made for the quality of life and function of this chronically afflicted young patient.
Learn more:
Toe Walking Surgery
Children's Heel Pain Causes & Treatment
Dr. Jarman discusses the many different causes that could be contributing to your child’s heel pain. It’s important to know that pediatric and adult heel pain are not the same and not treated the same.
Learn more: Children’s Heel Pain
A 5 Month Recovery Journey after Toe Walking Surgery
This video showcases the success of toe walking surgery in treating severe toe walking. It documents a child’s 5-month recovery journey and provides valuable insights into the surgical intervention that can transform the lives of children. The surgery led to pain-free walking.
Learn more: Toe walking surgery
Meet Jackson - Custom Orthotics for Sever's
Jackson, an active boy who loves playing soccer, began experiencing serious heel pain both on and off the field. His mom and him knew heel pain wasn’t normal and set up an appointment with Dr. Jarman who treated Jackson’s Sever’s disease with custom orthotics. This is their story.
Learn more:
Custom Orthotics
Sever’s Disease
Meet Maylee - A Broken Foot But Not Spirit
At a dance practice Maylee came down on her foot and heard a pop. A dancer’s worst nightmare. The orthopedic surgeon they saw recommended Dr. Mikkel Jarman. Maylee’s parents wasted no time, called Pediatric Foot & Ankle, and set up an appointment with him. This is their story.
Learn more: Foot Fractures
Meet Evelina - Idiopathic Toe Walking Surgery
Evelina’s parents had taken her to see several doctors over the years, but they were not able to find a solution for her toe walking. Eventually, they decided to get a second opinion from Dr. Mikkel Jarman with Pediatric Foot & Ankle. Dr. Jarman was able to diagnose Evelina with idiopathic toe walking and, after considering all conservative treatment methods, he recommended surgery.
Learn more: Toe Walking Surgery
Meet Adalyn - Custom Orthotics for Sever's
Meet Adalyn and find out how custom orthotics have helped her treat Sever’s Disease.
Adalyn was actually seen by Dr. Jarman twice. In this video she shares both experiences; her treatment for Sever’s with custom orthotics, and a 5th digit fracture reduction.
Learn more: Custom orthotics to treat common kids’ foot issues
Meet Cameron - Toe Walking is not Normal
Cameron’s parents knew his toe walking wasn’t normal. After trying all of the therapies and exercises recommended by the other doctors, they knew it was time to try something different. Watch this video to learn more about Cameron and toe walking.
Learn more: Toe Walking (Pediatric Equinus)
Meet Carter - Ingrown Toenail Treatment
Carter first saw Dr. Jarman two years ago, seeking treatment for an ingrown toenail which was treated successfully. Since then Carter has had two more ingrown toenails which were also successfully treated. Carter has had no other ingrown toenails or foot or toe issues.
Learn more: Ingrown Toenail Treatment
Meet Nicholas - A Severs Disease Success Story
Nicholas’s mom suspected something was wrong with Nicholas’s feet when he started experiencing heel pain playing soccer. After Dr. Jarman’s thorough examination, it was discovered that Nicholas had Sever’s Disease.
Here is their story.
Learn more: Sever’s Disease
Meet Jack - Treatment for a Foot Fracture
Jack was an active boy like most kids his age until he broke his foot. Dr. Jarman’s examination confirmed that Jack had indeed fractured his foot. After Dr. Jarman explained his treatment plan thoroughly, he began immediately.
Today, Jack is back on the baseball field.
Learn more: Sports Injuries
Meet Gracie - Another Sever's Success
When Gracie and her mom visited their pediatrician about Gracie’s heel pain, their doctor recommended a conservative treatment of gel heel cups and ibuprofen. After a year and half it became apparent that the condition was chronic and their pediatrician recommended they see Dr. Jarman.
Learn more: The ABCs of Sever’s Disease
Meet Camden - Sever's Disease Treated with Custom Orthotic
Camden shares his experience of Sever’s Disease and how a custom shoe orthotic insert made by Dr. Jarman was able to quickly and completely treat it. After 5 weeks, Camden was able to play sports again with no pain or mobility issues and is back to his active life. Watch Cameron’s story to learn more.
Learn more: Custom Orthotics for Kids
Meet Sawyer - How She Was Able to Overcome Toe Walking
Sawyer began toe walking at a young age like many children do. Unfortunately, it continued as she grew older and was beginning to affect other parts of her life like dancing and social encounters. Watch her story of how she was able to overcome toe walking with the help of Pediatric Foot & Ankle.
Learn more: Toe Walking
Meet Haley - Her Foot Nerve Surgery Experience
Haley is a competitive cheerleader in Arizona that became sidelined by foot pain. After surgery and numerous doctor appointments, she and her mom had started to give up on finding a solution. Fortunately, a friend recommended Dr. Jarman with Pediatric Foot & Ankle, and this is their story.
Learn more: Dr. Mikkel Jarmam
Meet Ryan - Another Severs Success Story
Ryan began feeling pain in his left heel and as time went by the heel pain became more frequent and painful. Ryan’s parents knew it was time to see a doctor. They scheduled an appointment with Pediatric Foot & Ankle and this is their story.
Learn more: Sever’s Disease
Meet Indigo - Toe Walking Surgery
Indigo is seven and a half years old and had been toe walking since he was very young.
Sometimes this is referred to as Ideopathic Toe Walking (ITW). ITW is estimated to occur in 7% to 24% of children.
Learn more: Toe Walking – What Every Parent Should Know
Meet Susan - Foot Injury Surgery
While at friend’s birthday party, Susan injured her foot when a recliner turned over and a piece of metal penetrated her foot. After exploring all conservative treatment options first, Dr. Jarman concluded that surgery would be required. Here is her story.
Learn more: Foot Fractures
Meet Hector - How HyProCure Corrected Ankle Misalignment
Hector’s parents noticed something was strange with Hector’s left foot when he was born. Following their pediatrician’s advice, they gave it time hoping he would outgrow it. When it became obvious that the issue wasn’t correcting itself, and even causing pain, they found Dr. Jarman online and this is their story!
Learn more: HyProCure
Meet Mike - How HyProCure Corrected Flat Feet & Pain
Mike and his grandpa share how the HyProCure procedure was able to correct Mike’s flat feet pain issues and the hyperpronation of his foot. Now Mike can participate in sports and athletic activities again with his friends at school without the pain or discomfort that had been inhibiting him before.
Learn more: HyProCure for Kids
Meet Zachary - Correcting Flat Feet & Pain with HyProCure
In this video Zachary shares how he went from being in pain and unable to run to now being able to run, play sports, and walk pain-free without flat feet. Zachary’s flat feet condition was completely resolved with HyProCure surgery, a minimally invasive out patient procedure performed by Dr. Jarman.
Learn more: HyProCure for Flat Feet
Toe Walking Recovery after Surgery
Remarkable improvements in gait and comfort are seen over the 7 month course of recovery and physical therapy. With both feet now demonstrating strong, normal heel-toe motion, Dr. Jarman conveys the life-changing transition these minimally invasive surgeries made for the quality of life and function of this chronically afflicted young patient.
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Toe Walking Surgery
When Conservative Treatments for Flat Feet Fail
Discover the incredible journey of an 8-year-old child who triumphed over toe walking with the help of Achilles Lengthening Surgery. Despite attempting various conservative treatments such as physical therapy and braces, surgery emerged as the sole solution to rectify the issue.
Learn more: Achilles Tendon Lengthening Surgery
A 5 Month Recovery Journey after Toe Walking Surgery
This video showcases the success of toe walking surgery in treating severe toe walking. It documents a child’s 5-month recovery journey and provides valuable insights into the surgical intervention that can transform the lives of children. The surgery led to pain-free walking.
Learn more: Toe walking surgery
You Can Talk With Dr. Jarman from Anywhere
Did you know Dr. Jarman accepts Telehealth (Virtual) Consultations?
Don’t wait to get the expert advice you need.
Why Choose a Pediatric Podiatrist
Dr. Mikkel Jarman discusses how to choose a pediatric podiatrist and why choosing the right one is important.
Foot or ankle problems in kids can sometimes be challenging to diagnose which is why it is so important to have a pediatric podiatrist with experience specific to treating children’s feet.
View list of children’s foot & ankle conditions that Pediatric Foot & Ankle treats:
Introducing Dr. Mikkel Jarman
Dr. Jarman completed his three-year podiatric surgical residency at the South Miami Hospital in Florida. His residency included extensive training in advanced foot and ankle surgery, with a focus on pediatric care. Additional concentrations of Dr. Jarman’s residency included wound care, diabetic limb salvage, managing emergency trauma, and complicated foot infections.
Learn more: About Dr. Jarman
Dr. Jarman on KFNX
Dr. Mikkel Jarman discusses Pediatric Foot & Ankle and some of the more common foot issues children experience.
It is a misconception that kids are just smaller versions of adults. Children and adults are not the same and not treated the same. A pediatric podiatrist is trained specifically in how to identify and treat children’s foot conditions.
Watch more videos on Pediatric Foot & Ankle YouTube:
Casting Orthotics - An Overview of the 3 Different Casting Techniques
Dr. Mikkel Jarman discusses the three different techniques of orthotic casting and how to obtain an impression of the foot. One is to use a scanner or a pressure plate, second is to use a foam box where the patient places their foot in the foam, and the third is the utilization of plaster to cast the foot which will obtain a mold of the foot.
Learn more: Children’s Orthotics
Prefab vs Custom Orthotics for Your Child - Which Should You Choose?
Dr. Mikkel Jarman explains the benefits of custom orthotics and how they differ from prefab orthotics.
Custom orthotics are made specifically for your child’s foot. Dr. Jarman creates a plaster cast of their feet. This is used to create the mold from which the orthotic is made. Watch to learn more about children’s custom orthotics.
Learn more: Custom Orthotics
HyProcure - The Solution to Misalligned Feet
If your child has foot or lower leg pain due to flat feet, this may be caused by a misalignment of the heel and ankle bones. Misalignment of these bones is what causes hyperpronation (flat feet) and gait abnormalities that lead to foot pain and fatigue. There is a solution!
Learn more: HyProCure
Pediatric Flat Feet - Causes & Treatments
Pediatric flat feet is a condition in which the entire sole of the child’s foot contacts the ground. Also known as pes planus and fallen arches, flat feet is fairly common in children and occurs when the foot’s arch either fails to develop or collapses.
Learn more: Pediatric Flat Feet
Pediatric Ingrown Toenails - Treatment
Parents will commonly ask, “Will an ingrown toenail heal by itself or go away on its own?” The answer is… maybe, but most do not typically heal by themselves or go away without treatment or accurately cutting the ingrown nail by the doctor.
Learn more: Pediatric Ingrown Toenails
Children's Bunion Causes & Treatment
A bunion is a bony-like lump that can develop where the big toe joint meets the foot. Pediatric bunions are different than adult ones. In this video Dr. Jarman discusses bunion causes and treatment.
Learn more: Pediatric Bunions
Toe Walking - Signs, Causes & Treatment
Toe walking in children three years old or younger is very common. However, in children five years or older, it could be associated with a neurological immaturity or medical condition.
Learn more: Toe Walking
Pediatric Hammertoe Causes & Treatment
Pediatric hammertoes is fairly common in children and occurs when a tendon in the foot pulls on one or more toes, causing the affected toe to either point downward or curl under another toe.
Learn more: Pediatric Hammertoes
Children's Plantar Warts Causes & Treatment
A Plantar Wart is a wart on the foot that can appear on the top, side, or bottom of the feet. Dr. Jarman compares the 3 main treatment methods in this video and which one he recommends.
Learn more: Plantar Warts
Identifying & Treating Tarsal Coalition
Tarsal coalition is a genetic condition which occurs when two of the tarsal bones form an abnormal connection. The connection may be fibrous, cartilaginous, or osseous (bone).
Learn more: Tarsal Coalition
Polydactyly (Extra Toe on Foot) Treatment
Polydactyly may be obvious, with the formation of a completely separate digit, or it may be less obvious, as the digit is merging with another, giving the appearance of a larger than normal toe.
Learn more: Polydactyly
Don't Ignore Children's Foot Pain!
Parents often ignore pediatric foot pain, considering it a normal part of childhood, i.e. growing pains. Actually, just as with adults, foot pain in children is often a symptom of an underlying condition.
Don’t ignore children’s foot pain!
Learn more: Pediatric Foot Pain
Sever's Disease Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
If a child is suffering from pediatric heel pain that affects both the bottom and back of the heel, then they may have a condition called (Sever’s Disease). Watch this video to learn more about Sever’s Disease and the signs.
Learn more: Sever’s Disease
What Are Plantar Warts - How are they Treated?
Plantar warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The condition is very common in children, teens, and anyone with a weakened immune system. Watch to learn more about the signs and treatment options.
Learn more: Plantar Warts
Pediatric Ingrown Toenail Treatment
An ingrown nail (Onychocryptosis) is a painful condition that results from your child’s toenail digging into the side of his or her toe. Any of your child’s toes may be affected but it is mainly the big toe. Watch this video to learn more.
Learn more: Ingrown Toenail Treatment
Custom Orthotics For Children's Flat Feet
Flat feet in children is extremely common, due to the flexibility in small children’s bones and joints. Children typically outgrow the condition by age 6. And treatment is rarely required even if they do not outgrow it.
Learn more: Children’s Flat Feet
Your Child's Feet Are Designed For Life