Hyprocure Surgery
HyProCure stabilizes the foot and restores natural joint motion
What Is HyProCure?
HyProCure is a minimally invasive procedure that involves inserting a small, titanium stent to help align the bones of the heel and ankle. Misalignment of these bones is what causes hyperpronation (flat feet) and gait abnormalities that lead to foot pain and fatigue.

The following two videos spotlight real life examples of young patients who have had the HyProCure procedure and as a result are now able to run and participate in sports with their friends without pain or discomfort.
Can Early Correction Of Hyperpronation Help Prevent Chronic Knee, Back, & Hip Pain in Adulthood?
Correcting hyperpronation early (before the child has grown and taken tens of millions of steps) can help prevent chronic knee, hip and back pain in adulthood. For example, the performance of extraosseous talotarsal stabilization in adults, using the HyProCure® II stent (GraMedica) showed a 32.8 percent reduction in forces on the medial knee joint. These results support treating people earlier rather than later in life.
Mikkel Jarman, DPM
HyProCure Surgery Rates
Surgical Info
Ages 11 and under
- Ages 12 and up
Hyprocure is a surgical procedure that can be used to correct flat feet in children. It involves the implantation of a small device into the ankle, which helps to reposition the heel and improve the alignment of the foot.
Because the procedure is not typically covered by insurance, we offer self-pay rates for families who are interested in this treatment option. Our self-pay rates for Hyprocure surgery are categorized Ages 11 and under, and Ages 12 and up (see tabs).
As a general rule, children under the age of 12 will undergo the procedure as an outpatient at Arizona Specialty Surgery Center, while children 12 years and older may be able to have the procedure done in our office. However, it’s important to note that every child’s condition is unique, and we will determine the best course of treatment on a case-by-case basis.
There are 3 fees associated with surgery:
- Physicians Fee
- Facility Fee
- Anesthesia
All Surgeries include 90 day global and correspondence via telephone/text/email with Dr. Jarman and/or Staff.
OUTPATIENT FACILITY (Arizona Specialty Surgery Center)
- Physician Fee: $1400 per foot
- Facility Fee: $4,295.00 *includes cost of implant
- Anesthesia: $600-$1,100 * dependent on OR time
Total: $6,295 per foot, $12,590 for both.
$7,600 total
*3,800 per foot *includes cost of Hyprocure Implant
- Telehealth appointment with Dr. Jarman
- Qualify patient in office (1st appointment)/receive boot
- Schedule for surgery (same day as appointment)
- Have surgery and placed in cast
- Boot and/or Cast off at home 2weeks after surgery
- Walking boot for 2 weeks
- Have second Hyprocure 4-5 weeks from initial procedure
- Go home in cast
- Boot and/or Cast off at home- 2 weeks after surgery
- Walking Boot in 2 weeks
Surgery Request or Questions
Signs Your Child May Have a Foot issue
Children exhibit common symptoms when there is a misalignment between the heel and ankle bones. These include:
- Having flat feet (after age 5)
- Avoiding normal physical activities, like playing sports or running on the playground
- Experiencing leg pain at night and/or bedtime
- Running more slowly or seeming less coordinated than their peers
- Shoelaces becoming untied frequently (occurs due to the inward rolling of the foot that happens with hyperpronation)
- Wanting to be held or carried more often than normal, especially after physical activity
If you notice one or more of these symptoms, talk to your pediatric podiatrist.
HyProCure Before & After Example
A young patient of Pediatric Foot & Ankle was experiencing many of the common signs and symptoms of overpronation including pain and activity limitations. After an outpatient surgery and a couple weeks in a post surgical boot, Hector’s feet are now aligned correctly and his stance and walking gait are completely normal.
These are his before and afters and his testimony can be found below.

The Benefits of HyProCure
By aligning the bones of the heel and ankle, the HyProCure procedure helps correct overpronation. This improves your child’s gait so that their feet propel naturally from heel to arch to toe. And when proper function is returned, it alleviates pain and other symptoms of flat feet.
While custom orthotics help alleviate symptoms, they cannot cure flat feet. Because HyProCure treats the underlying cause of hyperpronation, it offers a permanent solution to your child’s issue.
The procedure has proven amazingly effective since receiving FDA approval in 2004, with 94 percent of patients experiencing permanent correction. This includes children, who rarely need to have the stent replaced or removed in adulthood.
How Is the HyProCure Procedure Performed?

HyProCure Recovery Time
Although it takes several months for the tissues throughout the foot and ankle to adapt to repositioning, most children are walking in their regular shoes within two weeks. Within six to eight weeks, your child should be back to normal activity levels.
You will speed up recovery time by following Dr. Jarman’s post-procedure instructions exactly.
Is HyProCure Right for Your Child?
Not everyone will benefit from this procedure. That’s why Dr. Jarman conducts a complete examination to determine whether HyProCure can help your child. To get started, schedule a consultation for your child today.
Dr. Jarman's ABFAS Certification
Dr. Mikkel Jarman, DPM, FACFAS, has received his Foot and Reconstructive Rearfoot/Ankle (RRA) Surgery board certification from the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery (ABFAS). This certification symbolizes the highest level of expertise that can be achieved in the foot and ankle profession, reflecting advanced proficiency and knowledge.

Your Child's Feet Are Designed For Life