Children's Foot Conditions
Pediatric Foot Care for Every Little Step
Children's Feet vs Adult Feet
Children's foot conditions differ from adults in Many Ways
Children’s foot conditions are often misdiagnosed. One example is Sever’s disease. Sever’s is a condition exclusive to children but is sometimes wrongly diagnosed as Plantar Fasciitis due to the similar symptoms and heel pain points. But the truth is, kids rarely if ever get Plantar Fasciitis, and adults can’t get Sever’s disease.
If your child is experiencing any type of foot pain, it is important to see a qualified pediatric podiatrist for diagnosis and treatment. Pediatric podiatrists have the training and experience to provide the best care for your child’s feet.
Children's Foot Conditions & Treatments
Achilles Tendinitis
Achilles tendinitis in kids is a fairly common condition that can be caused by overuse. It typically affects adults, but it can also affect children, particularly older kids who participate in sports.
Bunions are a condition that can affect both children and adults. It is usually hereditary. A common misconception is that bunions are caused by tight fitting footwear. Although some foot types are more prone to bunions, the condition was most likely already present.
Clubfoot Treatment
Congenital talipes equinovarus, commonly known as clubfoot, is a relatively rare musculoskeletal birth defect. Early treatment offers the best results. PFA uses the Ponseti method, which involves manipulating and casting the foot.
Children's Orthotics
A children's orthotic is A custom-made orthosis is made using a mold of your child’s feet or foot. These orthotics are inserted in a child's shoe to provide heel and arch support to treat a myriad of flat feet and heel pain conditions.
Custom Orthotics
Also known as prescription insoles, custom orthotics are made especially for your child using a plaster casting of their feet. They may be prescribed to treat heel pain, Sever's disease, or gait issues. Custom orthotics always provide the best fit.
Sever's Disease Orthotics (Shoe Inserts for Sever's)
The Mikki Device™ Sever's solution kit is an at home treatment for Sever's disease developed by Pediatric Orthotics, under the guidance of Mikkel C. Jarman, DPM, FACFAS.
Flat Feet Treatment
Pediatric flat feet is when the entire sole of the child's foot contacts the ground when standing. As children's bones and joints are extremely flexible, flat feet is very common. Dr. Jarman rarely orders treatment before the age of six.
Foot Fractures
Treatment depends on the type of fracture. A displaced fracture is when the broken bone's ends become misaligned. In a non-displaced fracture, the ends remain aligned. If the broken bone punctures the skin, it is an open fracture.
Pediatric hammertoe is a condition that can cause one or more toes to curl under or point downwards. This condition is fairly common and often presents itself since birth. It is most commonly seen in one or two isolated toes, but may affect all of the child's toes.
Heel Pain
Pediatric heel pain may have a variety of causes. The most common is Sever's disease; it occurs most often in physically active children. You can help prevent heel pain with high-quality, well-fitting shoes that offer ample support.
Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails may be caused by trimming the nail improperly, pressure from tight-fitting shoes, or acute injury. The issue rarely resolves on its own and attempting to treat ingrown toenails yourself typically exacerbates the problem.
Iselin Disease
Iselin disease affects the long bone connecting the outside of the foot to the little toe. It's most common in physically active children aged 9 to 14. The main symptom is pain that occurs during physical activity and is relieved by rest.
In-Toeing (AKA Pigeon Toes)
Commonly known as pigeon toes, in-toeing occurs when the child's feet point inward. The most common cause is metatarsus adductus, or bending of the foot bones. Tibial torsion, or twisted shins, may also cause the feet to turn inward.
Out-Toeing (AKA Duck Feet)
Often referred to as duck feet, out-toeing is when the child's feet point outward. Early treatment is recommended, particularly as the condition puts pressure on the joints, possibly causing pain and affecting mobility as the child grows older.
Polydactyly is a congenital variation in the foot that causes an extra toe to grow. It may also occur in the hand, where an extra finger grows. The name derives from the word poly, meaning many, and dactyl, meaning digit.
Sever’s Disease
Sever's disease typically causes pain at both the back and bottom of the heel. The child feels pain whenever putting weight on their feet, even when just standing. Treatment may include rest, foot exercises, and orthotic devices.
Sports Injury
Like adults, children are susceptible to a variety of sports injuries, including sprains and fractures. In addition to treating your child's particular injury, Dr. Jarman works with them to prevent future issues via a variety of interventions.
Tarsal Coalition
Tarsal coalition is a relatively rare condition in which two of the tarsal bones form an abnormal connection. The connection may be fibrous, cartilaginous, or osseous (bone). This condition can cause pain and swelling in the foot, and can make it difficult to walk.
Toe Walking
Toe walking is a common pattern of walking in very young children, typically those who are 3 years old or younger. However, in children 3 years and older walking on tiptoes may not be normal and could be associated with a neurological immaturity or medical condition. Fortunately, over 90% of these cases can be treated with conservative treatment options and surgery is rarely required.
Warts - Plantar Warts
Most cases of plantar warts occur in adults, but the virus can also affect children. In kids, plantar warts often form on the toes. They can be uncomfortable and may cause pain when walking or standing. Treatment for plantar warts in children usually involves using a podiatrist's recommended wart treatment, or prescription medication.
Your Child's Feet Are Designed For Life